Liver Fat Is Directly Linked to This Disease, New Study Says — Eat This Not That

According to a new study from Brunel University London, a fat liver can also have a serious effect on your sugar in the blood levels

The researchers reviewed the MRIs of 32,859 people who took a close look at the size of their liver, as well as their pancreas. The researchers relied on a type of method used to measure gene function to examine cause and effect, known as Mendelian randomization.

Scientists not only learned that people genetically predisposed to store fat in the liver were more likely to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, but each 5% increase in liver fat was shown to increase this risk by 27%.

“Our results encourage better treatment of people living with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and provide evidence of the multiple benefits of weight loss and better screening for diabetes risk in these people,” said Dr. The study’s lead author, Dr. Hanieh Yaghootkar in a press release.

the cleveland clinic defines NAFLD as a condition that occurs in one in three adults who are not heavy drinkers. Although the cause of this type of liver disease is unknown, obesity and diabetes are considered probable risk factors.

type 2 diabetes

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“These findings do not surprise me, as NAFLD has been shown to be a key factor in insulin resistance,” he says. Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE, LDN, CPT, a New Jersey-based nutrition consultant and author of 2 day diet for diabetes. “It makes sense that even small amounts of fat stored in the liver would, in turn, raise insulin resistance and thus the risk of type 2 diabetes.”

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Additionally, she believes this current study offers great value, as it points to the importance of focusing on preventing excess fatty tissue in the liver, which is focused on your diet. “Some research suggests that coffee may be protective against liver damage from fat accumulation. So if tolerated, drinking up to two cups a day can be beneficial,” says Palinski-Wade.

However, he’s quick to add that adding sugar and cream “can accelerate fat buildup in the liver. Enjoy black coffee instead, or sweeten with flavorings, like cinnamon or vanilla extract.”

In addition to reducing total sugar intake, Palinski-Wade also recommends limiting alcohol intake. “Following a mediterranean style eating high-fat plant-based foods, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and fatty fish may be the best strategy for reducing liver fat,” he says.

Also, consider adding more fiber-rich foods, such as broccoli, berries, apples, as well as plenty of green leafy vegetables and legumes, on your plate. “Fiber it can help reduce fatty deposits in the liver while helping to promote stable blood glucose levels and fight insulin resistance,” says Palinski-Wade.

One study found that spinach, in particular, can reduce the risk of NAFLD, while the resistant starch found in pulses may also help reduce NAFLD,” concludes Palinski-Wade.

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